Dedicated to growth
and transformation —
of you and your team.

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Wellbeing Workroom helps people and teams achieve transformative growth and business objectives utilizing best-in-class organizational research, emotional agility, and psychological principles — delivered via coaching, workshops, or facilitation by CJ Pippen and associates. 

This work is done first by establishing a psychologically safe space between us: the practitioner and the client. Within this space of safety, you or your team will have the freedom and autonomy to make changes, address conflict, and develop new behaviors and narratives in the areas where you want to show up differently in life — so you can get on with the business of enjoying a fulfilling, purposeful existence.

Find out more about CJ here.

Create wellbeing for your team

Are you a leader that would like your teams to experience greater productivity, creative output, and innovation? This is all possible through the creation of wellbeing within your team — and each team has a different definition of what “being well” means. Let’s find out what that means for your organization.

Create wellbeing for yourself

Sometimes a precise, targeted, and individualized approach is needed for transformative growth. Individual coaching can provide the right support or enrichment at a  critical juncture. Our relationship with ourselves often lacks direction and accountability - we can spend more time picking out a new chair than engaging in our own develpment. Let’s uncover a kind and accountable way to treat the most important person in your life - you.

  • “Coaching with CJ has proven to be transformative for my professional trajectory. Following my recent promotion to the position of Vice President, I found myself grappling with the notion of defining my newfound value within the organization. Previously, I had always correlated my sense of self with the tangible outcomes I delivered. However, CJ adeptly guided me in recognizing the areas where I already excel as a leader, while also pinpointing untapped potential for growth that aligns harmoniously with my personal brand. Notably, CJ’s guidance in leading with compassion and kindness has had a discernible impact on my approach to my role, team management, and overall influence within the company.”

    —J.S., VP of Strategy

  • “Working with CJ has been life changing and incredibly empowering for me. She helped me find the ability to use my voice to ask for what I want and need in work and my personal life. Under her guidance I have significantly grown my business and made necessary changes in my life to improve my standard of living. CJ has a unique way of reflecting back to me where she senses energy in my professional and personal pursuits and has me constantly assessing where I should be focusing my attention. Most importantly, her coaching has helped me dream beyond what I am currently doing in my life to make future plans and create the life I really want and deserve to have.”

    —E.P., Entrepreneur

  • “We’re a family-owned and operated business. In a series of meetings, CJ facilitated a safe environment for the executive team to seek alignment amid their differences. CJ’s holistic approach accelerated difficult decisions that have benefitted us as individuals and our organization.”

    —B.S, CEO. and J.S., CMO

  • Our team needed to communicate in better ways. We have worked together for a long time and we were making a lot of assumptions about each other ­— CJ helped us see that in our facilitated sessions. Most of all, she put reflected back our feelings into actionable words and helped us understand each other better. I honestly felt like the team came out of our sessions much stronger.

    —J.C., CEO

  • “CJ facilitated one of the most innovative workshops we have had for our team. Our coaches are always looking for new ways to work with leaders, and CJ‘s research- backed approach and content about compassionate leadership was exactly what we needed: something fresh, smart, and highly actionable. She’s an engaging speaker but leaves so much space for feedback and other voices. She can pivot in the moment which makes her worth hiring alone! Highly recommended! ”

    —J.W., SVP Operations

Let’s have a conversation about
creating wellbeing

…we can start with how wellbeing is more long-lasting than happiness!